
The AIEE is represented by the Members Assembly, the Board of Directors and the Scientific Committee.

the Members Assembly

The members can be individual regular members or institutional members.
The energy companies, the institutions and the associations can join as institutional members.
Each member has the right to vote for the election of the board.

the Board of Directors

the members of the Board for 2018 – 2020 are:

Honorary President:
Carlo Andrea Bollino, AIEE – Rome

Carlo Di Primio, AIEE – Rome

Vice Presidents:
Vittorio D’Ermo, Director of the AIEE Forecasting Service – Rome
Lucia Visconti Parisio, Bicocca University – Milan

Massimo Bruno, Enel – Rome
Luigi Napoli, Elettricità Futura – Rome
Camilla Palladino, Snam – Milan
Rita Pistacchio, Unione Petrolifera – Rome
Paolo Polinori, University of Perugia – Perugia
G.B. Zorzoli, FREE – Rome

The Scientific Committee

Agime Gerbeti, LUMSA University– Roma

Membri del Comitato Scientifico:
Fabio Catino, Trecani – Rome
Marco Falcone, ExxonMobil – Rome
Francesco Scalia, University of Cassino
Andrea Zaghi, Elettricità Futura – Rome