AIEE - The History
The Italian Association of Energy Economists was founded on January 20, 1989 and its founding members who formed the first Board of Directors were Edgardo Curcio (then Vice President), Nicola Merzagora (Chairman), Andrea Ricci (secretary), Ernesto Nathan (treasurer), Giuseppe Carta, Vittorio D’Ermo and Alberto Clo (members of the board).
After the great success of the IAEE European Conference “Energy Strategy for Europe” held in 1995 in Rome, the AIEE developed its structures and increased the number of members. In the following years, it organized other two major international conferences with the support of the European Commission, on “Energy Efficiency in Household Appliances and Lightening” in 1997 in Florence and in 2000 in Naples.
The AIEE president participated in all international conferences and in 1997 he entered the Board of IAEE as Vice President for Finance for the period 1997-1998.In 1999 the AIEE was assigned by the IAEE the organization of the 22nd International Conference on “New Equilibria in the Energy Markets: the role of new regions and areas.” The venue was Rome, the Hotel Parco dei Principi, This event had a wide resonance internationally and helped to increase the prestige of the association within the IAEE and with the European partners. The AIEE was already known as one of the most efficient and well-organized IAEE affiliate, also taken as a model to all the new affiliates.

In 2007 the AIEE organizes the 9th IAEE European Conference in Florence entitled “Energy Markets in a Larger Europe” which was a great success with over 450 participants, events and awards held in prestigious Florentine structures (Palazzo Pitti, Palazzo Vecchio etc. ).
In 2008 Carlo Andrea Bollino, AIEE Vice President, became President of IAEE, after a few years that he had been member of the IAEE Board as Vice President for Development and this helped to improve the image of the AIEE in every corner of the world, participating and organizing conferences and helping to form new affiliates in Asia and Africa.
In 2012 the AIEE organizes the 12th IAEE European Conference in Venice at the University Ca ‘Foscari entitled “Energy and Environmental Sustainability Challenge” with the participation of more than 500 people from more than 30 countries.
In 2014, the AIEE organizes the 14th IAEE European conferece in Rome, with the LUISS University entitled “Energy Challenge and Environmental Sustainability” with over 500 participants from 30 countries.
In 1996 the AIEE decided to enter the field of post-graduate education and organize with the Luiss University, the first post-graduate course on “Economics and Management of Energy Sources” which was followed by three more courses in 1997, 1998 and 1999. In 2000, it organized with the Faculty of Engineering of Rome “La Sapienza” the first post-graduate course “MEA – Master in Energy and Environmental Management” that reached the its thirteenth edition with a good success in terms of participation and placement.
In 2004 the AIEE organized in China together with the University of Rome “La Sapienza” a master course in Energy and Environment at the University of Nanjing.
In 2008 the AIEE organized another International Master course, in English, with the Link Campus University of Malta, MBA on “Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development“, opened to foreign students.
In 2008 it obtained from the European Union, through the Ministry of Environment, the recognition of Sustainable Energy Partner for the SEE Campaign to raise awareness of environmental problems. The Association was several times advisor to the Government, to the Authority and to many Italian institutions .