5th AIEE Energy Symposium on Current and Future Challenges to Energy Security
– energy perspectives beyond COVID19 –
15-17 December, 2020
virtual conference in cooperation with SDA Bocconi School of Management
Abstract submission starts on July 15, 2020 – deadline September 10, 2020
We have the pleasure to announce you to the 5th AIEE Energy Symposium on Energy Security organized by the Italian Association of Energy Economists – AIEE (www.aiee.it), the Italian affiliate of IAEE (www.iaee.org), with the support of the SDA Bocconi School of Management.
conference overview
In this uncertain times regarding travelling around the world, social distancing and possibility to attend the event physically, hosting a virtual event is an excellent alternative and therefore we decided to hold the 5th AIEE Symposium on energy Security 2020, online.
Our Symposium has become an important yearly appointment and an opportunity to discuss energy security, to explore new and existing trends, creative solutions of new technologies, the emergence of new market conditions and of new market operators.
An appointment we do not want to miss!
Our conference will have the same structure as the previous editions because we want it to feel as much like an in-person event as possible, with plenary sessions and keynote presentations and several concurrent sessions which include traditional presentations, lightning talks, discussions, and interacting.
Live chat questions and answers with the presenters during their sessions and real-time conversations among participants. The speakers can present their slides and attendees can ask questions about the topic.
Virtual conferences might lack the intimacy of a physical gathering, but they democratize access offering the attendees the possibility to connect with each other providing an interactive, collaborative networking, information-sharing and manly the same benefits as on-site events with less cost and less risk. The shift to online gatherings is part of a larger trend in reimagining experiences centered on human interaction at a time when large gatherings are mostly banned.
We solicit presentation through a Call for abstracts, just as in-person previous conferences.
We offer reduced group registrations for institutions who wanted to sign up 3-5 or more attendees.
call for abstracts
proposed topics
Access to energy
Biogas and biomethane and hydrogen
Behavioral energy economics
Carbon border adjustment measures
Climate policy and emission trading
Europe energy road map to 2050
Energy supply and security
Energy performance in buildings
Energy efficiency and end-use applications
Energy security for a more resilient society
Energy revolution: green energy solutions
Energy vulnerability in developed countries
Energy transition funds
Extending the scope of European energy regulation
Industrial energy and material efficiency
Energy and Industrial Competitiveness
Market instruments for energy efficiency North-South cooperation on renewable energy
Promoting energy efficiency
Regulation and taxation of energy markets
Real-time tariffs
Smart meters
Smart cities
Sustainable energy systems
The changing geopolitics of energy and global governance
The future energy demand
The utility of the future
Breakthroughs in energy technology
Smart grids and energy security
The gas market: new perspectives?
The perspective of LNG
The impact of oil price fluctuation
The future of transportation
Strategic contribution of energy storage to energy security
Energy storage – effects on the market
Sectorial approach to energy efficiency in industry
Security risks in the electricity sector
Reducing industrial energy use and CO2 emissions
European perspectives of energy security in the global context
Submitted abstracts should be of one or two pages in length, comprising:
(1) overview, (2) methods, (3) results and (4) conclusions.
The abstract should contain the lead author’s complete contact details (mailing address, phone, fax, e-mail)
Authors will be notified by September 20 of their admission status.
The files should be in pdf format.
Name your file with your family name follwed by the type of file (the author John Smith, the abstract file name: Smithabstract.pdf;)
The short CV should be no more than one page
At least one author from an accepted paper must pay the registration fees and attend the conference to present the paper.
concurrent sessions
Concurrent sessions will be organized from accepted abstracts.
The submission of the full paper is not obligatory unless the author is interested to propose it for publication.
The presented abstracts and the papers – if sent to us by the speakers – will be publishes in the volume of the Conference Proceedings (ISBN: 978-88-942781-9-4 – publication date: December 31st, 2020).
The range of topics proposed for submission is not limited. If the authors want to organize also specific sessions on topics different from the ones indicated in the Call for abstracts, you are cordially invited to send us your proposals that will be submitted to the Programme Committee.
If you are interested in organizing special sessions, you should propose us the topic and at least 4 speakers.
The AIEE copyrights only the Volume of the proceedings that cannot be entirely reproduced, published or sold without the AIEE permission but the AIEE does not copyright conference individual papers/ abstracts/ powerpoint presentations and acknowledges by the above statement that: the author retains the copyright of their presented paper, the author gives permission to AIEE to post their abstract/PowerPoint presentation in the volume and online proceedings database.
It is not obligatory to submit the full paper, unless the author is interested to publish it in the conference proceedings volume.
registration fees

AIEE Energy Symposiums on Energy Security 2016-2019

Contact the Conference Secretariat:
Phone: +39.06.3227367; Fax: +39 06 8070751
e-mail: assaiee@aiee.it